We have a great framework which enables people to get involved in helping and supporting others within One Recovery Bucks.
One Recovery Bucks has a range of ways for a variety of people to get involved in our service.
There are lot’s of different layers of involvement available. This means we have people who have lived experience – past or present – and also those who have never used our services and have other life experiences and skills.
More detailed information will be available shortly.
We believe that the lived experience of our current and past service users can be invaluable to people who are working with us or newly accessing our service. With their lived experience, our peer mentors and volunteers bring with them an inspirational message to those starting out or experiencing struggles. To see those that have successfully engaged in support, actively participated in interventions and/or completed treatment has strength and not only adds value to what we can offer but also adds hope that change is possible.
Inclusion services have a strong team of volunteers that brings a vibrance into our services and spreads the inspirational message of change powerfully. We have a volunteer coordinator who, manages and supports this scheme with the help of their colleagues, alongside encouraging and developing community events and activities.
The Volunteer scheme is underpinned by our core principles:
- Participation grows recovery
- All lived experience is valid and valued
- You do not have to be fully recovered or have had a drug or alcohol problem to help
- Giving, Learning, Connecting is good for you (with safeguards)
- Recovery supporters, recovery mentors and volunteers complement paid staff they do not replace them
- No-one should be out of pocket or burned out from working for us
- Match skills and abilities to roles
- Match training and support to levels of responsibility
- Everyone is not suited to all types of work
- We want a transparent system that everyone understands
- Confidentiality and the perception of confidentiality needs to be maintained
- Too much responsibility too early can be hazardous for all concerned
- Boundaries need to be practiced (with support) to be learned
- Time limits are a guide – individualised progress
- Learn and develop at your own pace with guidance
- If someone relapses we will continue to support their development

Get in touch if you would like to know more about volunteering
Service User Involvement
One Recovery Bucks (ORB) value and encourage service user involvement, a value held and shared by Inclusion, Aquarius, Connection Support and Build on Belief responsible for ORB. This is from local service level right through to nationally. We have regular service user voice meetings which allows us to get real time feedback about our service, whether it is meeting peoples needs, or what changes we need to make. We have manager representation on this, and all points raised and then responded to in a timely way.
At One Recovery Bucks, there are nominated service user representatives that engage in the Inclusion national monthly meeting. This meeting encourages local representatives to take feedback from local services to include, themes arising, and whether there is any feedback or actions outstanding following the last meeting. This promotes transparency and leaves our representatives and service users feeling valued, listened to and that their voices and opinions are important. This holds true to our values as an organisation. If we get something right, we want to share it with our sister services, similarly if we don’t get something right we want to be able to hear about it so we can make any necessary apologies and changes.
Inclusion keep a log of changes and actions that have happened as a result of service user feedback and this is incredibly empowering.

Businesses or local groups?
We are always looking for local businesses or groups to get involved with any initiatives that will benefit our services and service user’s. We promote activities that our service user’s can do to help build communities, which is two-purpose, it gives back to the community and provides them with constructive activities to provide meaning to their use of time. If you would like to donate services or time to an event or even have ideas please drop us a line at ORB@mpft.nhs.uk