At ORB we understand that when someone you care about is using drugs or alcohol it can impact on you and others around you.
Are you worried about a loved one’s substance use? You do not have to struggle alone, we are here to help.
I have had about 5 fortnightly conversations with Lucy since, and her support is so valuable. She reminds me that the way he is behaving and acting towards me is not my fault. And gives me such strength that how I’m dealing with things and responding is appropriate. She had seen me develop as I have got stronger and not blaming myself any longer…and she really shows she cares for both my daughter and I.
Many thanks. The service provided is really great and something unexpected. It feels safe and I can be true and honest and not judged.
- Family Service User
We respect our service user’s right to confidentiality but with their consent we can involve family member(s) in their treatment – then we do this together. It can be a really useful activity to include family members in recovery planning and detox interventions with service users, the best way to success is having the right type of support around you and we can help you to understand what that looks like.
We are aware and sensitive to the sometimes fractured relationships that often exist within families impacted by substance misuse. We are experienced in supporting our service user’s and their loved one’s with their wishes to heal and repair these moving forward through their journey in the most appropriate way for them.
Inclusion value collaborative working, realising that often our service user’s and their families have complex problems that may need several services to work in partnership to support them to find sustainable solutions.
- Inclusion
What about you?
Living with someone with an addiction can be difficult and we recognise that it can cause extreme stress. It’s common to experience a range of emotions such as have feelings of anger, guilt, disappointment, fear and isolation.
We have a range of activities where you can get the right help for you and your family. We can provide face-to-face, telephone and email information advice and support:
- Support groups for carers and family members
- Information and advice specific to drugs and alcohol addiction, via written publications, drop in sessions, online support and helpline
- One-to-one support
- Safeguarding information, including information on duty of care to protect any individuals affected by someone else’s use of alcohol or drugs
- Signposting carers to Bucks County Council commissioned carers services for a specialist carers assessment where appropriate
- Enable families and carers to form and access community networks
- Provide parenting skill interventions for service users either via groups or one to ones
- Support to family members and carers who wish to train as volunteers and use their lived experience to help others
There’s nothing to lose, if you’re worried get in touch, we have so much positive feedback from parents and loved one’s who have learned to navigate the difficulties and distress drug use a loved one’s drug use, and consequently choices and behaviour can bring. They are now out the ‘other side’ of their dark times – yes it’s possible! – and this doesn’t always mean their loved one has stopped using, it just means they have learned skills to help them manage the relationship, communication and the problems.
Coronavirus (Covid-19)
If you want online support during Coronavirus outbreak visit Adfam to find out what online support forums they have.

I have found their support and help invaluable. I was able to explore my feelings of isolation and what I had lived with under a difficult home environment with my husband. I was able to connect with people who were in similar situations to myself which helped me in building my confidence and finding practical tools to improve my way of thinking and how I felt.
- Family Service User
Additional Online Support
Visit AdFam WebsiteAdFam work alongside us here at One Recovery Bucks. Their website is a useful trove of information and articles that can are aimed to help you cope with your loved one's drug or alcohol use as well as links to other sources of support and advice.
AdFam Family Resources
Where to get support during the pandemicAdFam have a page of resources and types of support available for anyone struggling during the pandemic. Visit to find out more.
Visit FamAnon WebsiteFamilies Anonymous is a world-wide fellowship of family members and friends affected by another’s abuse of mind-altering substances, or related behavioural problems. FA has groups, spread throughout the country, which meet regularly. Any concerned person can contact them,