If there is a need, we will find a way.
- Tracy, Service Manager
We have hubs in High Wycombe and Aylesbury.
Our service is free and confidential to residents of Buckinghamshire aged 18 and over affected by their use of alcohol.
If you or someone you know, needs advice, information or treatment you can complete the online referral form or give us a ring to get help with your concerns.
Our Approach
We offer our services from recovery hubs in High Wycombe and Aylesbury. We also have a wide range of online support which can give access to high quality support without even leaving your home.
We understand the difficulty and effort it takes to reach out and ask for help, and that is why we will always do our utmost to support you to transition to a better place and keep you safe.
We are led by Inclusion an NHS organisation, and have strong and robust structures in place to ensure our services are safe, effective and responding to your needs. The way we work has been developed with service users over many years and we are proud to be involved with people at what is often one of the most difficult times in their lives and to be able to support them to make positive changes. Inclusion, working alongside Aquarius, Build on Belief, Connection Support and Adfam offer a fully comprehensive service to meet all your needs.
Did we mention we work with you and involve you in your own plans of care? This means we listen to you. This may sound obvious, but we often receive feedback about our service users feeling heard and involved for the first time so we thought we’d mention it. It’s your life and we want to support you to live it in a way that makes you happy and safer with your decisions in mind.
We have a supportive and engaging recovery community within each hub, with bustling recovery cafe’s on Fridays. Unfortunately the coronavirus pandemic has impacted on our ability for drop in’s but we have virtual alternatives available online and are still seeing people on an appointment basis both virtually and face-to-face where. This allows us to keep you and us safe. We also have a comprehensive online offer available which includes both one-to-one sessions and group work sessions. We know that the thought of using technology can we a little worrying for some, but please do not worry as we will talk you through each of the steps until you’re comfortable.
It’s so important that we live our values. Especially that of being non-judgemental. What’s important is that you are asking for help and we are here to give it you.
- Mark, Clinical Lead
Our Team
At One Recovery Bucks, we have an experienced and friendly team waiting to help you. Our team is made up of specialist staff including recovery workers, community connectors, nurses, doctors, peer mentors and volunteers.
We ensure we meet your needs by providing high quality interventions in a timely manner pitched at the right level for you.

One Recovery Bucks provides a range of treatment services centred around high quality psychosocial interventions proven to work for anyone experiencing difficulties with drugs. We ensure we meet your needs by providing high quality interventions at the right time and right level for you.
Our teams provide the following:
- An individual, personalised assessment at a level appropriate to your need.
- A range of intensity levels dependent on your need.
- Advice and information specific to you.
- Specialist structured one-to-one support.
- Bespoke behaviour change workbooks
- Comprehensive structured group programme
- Links and sign posting to mutual aid
- Digital/online programmes SilverCloud and Breaking Free Online.
- Specialist group support.
- Medical support, including detoxification and replacement therapies is appropriate to your needs.
- Support with access to inpatient and residential services.
- Support to achieve abstinence.
- Support to reduce harm, this includes a range of options for e.g.
- Health MOT
- Liver function testing
- Access to Blood borne virus (BBV) screening
- Relapse prevention and management.
- Peer Support.
- Opportunities to get involved with shaping the service as peer mentor and volunteer.
- Bespoke family service
- Health and wellbeing promotion and clinics
- Liaison with other professionals such as GP’s and sexual health clinics